<p>Was anyone else disappointed with their Lit score? It was the ONE AP I was sure I was going to get a 5 on before and after the test. The test was easier than in other years but I'm still shocked. Does anyone else have the same sentiment?</p>
<p>What’d you end up getting?
I really wanted a four, but I blanked on the essays. A four would’ve let me not have to take a Literature course, but I’m taking on in French next semester anyways, so it doesn’t really matter :)</p>
<p>Oh, and I got a three :(</p>
<p>-Shrugs- I got a 5</p>
<p>It happens. Last year, the guy who the English teachers both agreed was the strongest writer got a 4 while several other writers who were not typically as insightful were able to get 5’s. Since the essays are so heavily weighted, the grading can be unfair.</p>
<p>Yes - I always did really well on MC in class and pretty well on my essays also. When we did a practice test (that I didn’t even put that much effort into) I was pretty high up into the 5 range - not close to borderline 4. So I was a bit surprised at the 4. I wasn’t 100% sure I would get a 5 but I would have expected a 5 rather than a 4. So, yes, I agree with you. The lit exam already has a small % of people who get 5s, so maybe the curve was even harsher than normal this year or something.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m in the same situation. I’ve always gotten pretty high up in the 5 range in practice tests too. I guess this goes to show that you can never really be sure what score youre going to get since the curve is so unpredictable. Lol I cant believe I got a 5 on Macro (expecting a 3) and not in Lit.</p>
<p>Yeah, I felt a 4 for sure and got a disappointingly low 3 so I don’t really know what happened, but I totally relate.</p>
<p>I got a 5, but I’m interested to see how the rest of my class fared. Last year there was one 5 at our school, but judging by the caliber of some of the students in my class I’m expecting at least 2 more 5’s…</p>
<p>same here. i got a 5 for ap lang and 730 for sat cr, but i got a 3 for ap lit… i don’t understand. in the practice test sessions sponsored by my teacher (using officially released tests in 1995, 1997 and so on) i both got 5’s. should i ask for a rescore request?</p>
<p>Haha you’re scaring me Meatspin. Those are my -exact- AP Lang and SAT CR scores… and I’m taking lit this coming year…</p>
<p>Got a 4 in English – attended two English classes per day because I love the subject, but didn’t study.</p>
<p>Got a 4 in Music Theory – skipped 75% of fourth quarter. </p>
<p>@Metaspin, it’s really up to you but the score doesn’t seem low enough for them to have seriously messed up and the curve this years seems like it was probably pretty harsh (to me the multiple choice seemed way easier than any practice i had taken beforehand).</p>
<p>@kww Yeah the MC was definitely a breeze. I finished with plenty of time to check/relax before the essays.
@enchilladam Haha that’s what I’m doing senior year AP Lang/World Lit LH takes up one period (one semester each), Creative Writing L1 (no LH available)/Modern Poetry LH another period</p>
<p>I feel the same way!!!
I have always been (sorry if I sound conceited) one of the top students in my english classes. Definitely not the best, but I participate all the time and get pretty decent scores on my essays, and am one of the few people who pay attention most of the time.
I got a 740 in CR and a 750 in Writing for the SAT I in one sitting.
My junior year, I made a super last minute decision to change my Chem SAT II Subject Test to the Literature one (last minute as in I came in from the break, realized there was no way I could handle Chem, and told the proctor I wanted to take Lit), and got a 730.
I’m not saying I’m excellent in Literature, but I thought I’d done pretty well for myself, especially without studying.
Oh yeah I got a 4 btw.</p>
<p>whats with you guys?? why are you guys complaining about not getting a 5 on the ap exams?? what matters is that you guys passed the exam and now you’re going to get rewarded by getting college credit. i know how it feels to walk out of a test thinking you got a 5 and to later find out that you got a 3. i felt bad and mad, but i shook it off because in the long run im getting college credit and it doesnt matter what score i got on that test.</p>
Not all schools will give credit for a 3; some even require a 5.</p>
<p>@socalsoccerdude you’re totally right, but I can’t help but beat myself up out of a pursuit of perfection. I guess for me personally it’s frustrating that I’ve only ever gotten 4s (plus one 3 and one 2), never any 5s so it’s like so close yet so far. English has always been one of my favorite classes and to have yourself and similarly strong students receive 4s while certain others get 5s (not that all that got 5s don’t deserve them, just a few stick out) that you know fail to grasp even basic grammatical and syntactical rules is a bit of a slap in the face! I’ll still be proud of my 4 though.
It just is even worse because for where I’m going, I’m getting 8 more credits for the same class I already got 8 credits for by getting a 4 on AP Language last year, so it seems a little useless, whereas my Calculus score of 4 greatly differentiates what math class I get into as opposed to if I had received a 5. English is underappreciated I tell you!!</p>