<p>Well, I'm an accounting major and I actually enjoy it. I guess on one hand: plugging numbers and long hours of sometimes tedious and repetitive work can be boring. But on the other hand: seeing where all the numbers (cash flow) come from and how businesses manage to make profits and stuff can be interesting. (i.e. the language of business) Additionally, your job is going to be relatively recession proof and money is not too big of a problem (as long as you're willing to work hard). I don't really see why Accounting is the epitome of a boring major.</p>
<p>An analogy (maybe a bad one) with lawyers: long hours, stressful, big $ at clients' stake, sometimes deal with criminals and liars all day. You have to invest so much in your education to become a lawyer, and sometimes all this takes over your life. But on the other hand: solving crime cases and such and figuring stuff out with logic and actually winning a case can feel like you've accomplished a ton. And eventually after yrs of college the $ can pay off, and you'll be well-regarded in your family for being a lawyer. </p>
<p>Brief example w/ doctors: long hrs, stress, ~10 yrs of college/med-school but $ can pay off and you can be well regarded and etc. </p>
<p>Why is there such a perception that accounting is boring? Any and every major has its fun parts and boring parts. Heck, at least you do new things everyday! </p>
<p>Discuss? Let's try to have a constructive discuss not feud over this.</p>
<p>I agree with what you said. The idea of analyzing and finding out where money and cash flow comes from and how a business makes money sounds very interesting to me. But the things commonly associated with accountants are people with no social skills who sit in a corner all day, just reading spread sheets and “bean counting”, which no one wants to be. Why this perception is so wide spread, who knows, but think of it this way… the more people who think accounting stinks, the less competition ;)</p>
<p>I find accounting boring. It is easy but to me it is boring. Of course I find Economics exciting and most people I know find it boring. Regression and statistical analysis is the best. Nothing beats a good regression with some 70 or so variables with a perfect r-square and good representation of the data, that gets your blood flowing. Smoothing out the data, finding interactions between variables, brings back some good memories. Accounting = boring for me. Each there own I guess. And about a job. I was an Economics major who works as a consultant now.</p>
<p>Yikes! hearing about regressions and r-squared brings up terrible memories from stats class lol. But as you said, to each his own is the bottom line.</p>
<p>Assuming Juggernaut didn’t also complete an accounting degree, I think it’s worth to point out that the lower level accounting classes are really boring and explain why lots of people are disinterested. Cost accounting can require original thought, not in the classroom usually(maybe case studies), but for anyone who actually works in a real manufacturing environment. Tax can involve complicated legal issues and research. Maybe boring, but certainly a different kind of boring than Principles of Accounting. Auditing, forensic accounting and fraud examination can involve some detective type work. Again, not in auditing class usually and probably not as the average auditor but there are special lines of business where you can work with fraud and whatnot more frequently. </p>
<p>70 variables and a perfect R-square? What about your adjusted r-square? Sounds pretty tedious to me. More like EconomyTricks.</p>
<p>I took upper level accounting classes. It is pretty boring but still easy for me. And comment on the large regression perfect r-square, it was a simple equation where all the variables fit the data set because they were binary variables.</p>
<p>“sit in a corner all day, just reading spread sheets and bean counting” is MUCH closer to reality than “Heck, at least you do new things everyday!”</p>
<p>While the minority, there are some accountants that actually enjoy their jobs. If that’s you, great.</p>
<p>Because many accountants are doing paper work by sitting in their offices, and staring at a computer all day long, five days a week, from 9-5 at least, but sometimes, especially in the big 4, from 9-11. Sounds exciting right? :)</p>
<p>However, not all accountants are like that, and many of them are travelling a lot, or working at other fields.</p>