<p>If I've had to move (couldn't stay in New Orleans after hurricane) and switch schools senior year, and therefore lost all my leadership positions and had to join new, totally different clubs and all, how severely do you guys think that would mess up my chances, especially at the top Ivy schools + MIT that I'm looking at?</p>
<p>You've been handed some lemons. If you use this opportunity to make lemonade it will be impressive indeed. Make the best of your situation, be optimistic, show you can weather the storm and be sure to let the folks at MIT and the other schools know that you were displaced. I cannot imagine this will hurt you in any way. If anything it will show your resilience. It all depends on your response. Good luck.</p>
<p>Being a Katrina victim could make for a really good essay topic.</p>
<p>Rivetta: Aren't you boycotting?????</p>
<p>I think they will definitely understand the circumstances, but I don't think they will necessarily symphatize with you.</p>
<p>They definitely don't want to see any sulking in the sense that it may seem like you are helpless.</p>
<p>That's ridiculous, he got nailed by a hurricane, of course they will have sympathy for him.</p>
<p>Sure it won't excuse every flaw in his application, but he doesn't have to be perfect now.</p>
<p>I know, I know........I guess that came off wrong...</p>
<p>What I meant was don't sulk about it too much.......</p>
<p>oh...I think it is a her</p>
<p>Yes, if you show that you can overcome something like Katrina, you have just as good a shot (if not better) as you had before.</p>