distributive requirements

<p>i've been accepted to dartmouth as a '12 but haven't made up my mind completely yet...my other option is Williams and i've reached the point where i'm analyzing every little thing. it seems like the requirements (the 10 courses covering 8 fields) would be a hassle to fulfill and would force me to suffer through numerous courses i have no interest in...is this really the case? and if I don't have AP credits, will i still find the curriculum to be super-flexible?</p>

<p>That is not the case at all. You will fulfill most of the requirements just as you go about doing your normal classes anyway. Besides, you will assuredly find classes in each distrib that are interesting to you. The key is to wait to take one until something really cool comes up. Example: last term there was a film class on James Bond movies that fulfilled the art requirement. Of course, if you're really interested in art, you can always take a drawing class, or an art history class. There's lots of options.</p>

<p>My D (a sophomore) is having trouble fulfilling the TMV distrib (Thought, meaning and value) It's mostly philosophy type things with lots of writing- not her cup of tea. It's also important to note that you aren't allowed to use credit/no credit options to fulfill distribs. So yes, they can be a bit of a problem. She'd prefer to not have these requirements!</p>

<p>hi 1ofeach,</p>

<h1>1 go to the Dartmouth.edu website</h1>

<p>click registrar
timetables of courses
gen ed requirements
select term and distrib requirement</p>

<p>you will be able to see all the classes that fulfull a specific distrib requirement in a particular term.
If your D is going to be on sophmore summer and likes mythology, she can fulfill the TMV requirement with CLST 004 Classical Mythology. D took the course to fulfill her TMV requirement and said that Roger Ulrich really made everthing interesting and it was not at all stressful.</p>

<p>Other TMV requirements that are being given over the summer are:</p>

<p>AMES 008 01 Introduction to Islam 10 A. Kevin Reinhart NW TMV<br>
CLST 004 01 Classical Mythology 12 Roger Ulrich CI TMV<br>
PHIL 001 01 Intr Problems of Philosophy 10 Bernard Gert<br>
PHIL 038 01 Political and Social Phil 2A Amy Allen, Axel Honneth TMV (tues/thurs)<br>
REL 008 01 Introduction to Islam 10 A. Kevin Reinhart NW TMV<br>
REL 074 01 Film and Religion 3A TMV 0 (tues/thurs)
REL 075 01 Foundational Figures of Rel A. Kevin Reinhart</p>

<p>Note: she should definitely take Engs3 with Lasky to fulfill the TAS requirement (he is probably one of the most popular classes of sophomore summer and another professor who my D thought was amazing (she said his class was so enjoyable that if she had taken it freshman year, she would have seriously considered being an engineering major). She will definitely catch up with people who she hasn't see all year. During my D's sophomore summer he had 300 students but still managed to take them out to dinner in groups to get to know them in a different setting).</p>

<p>TheDartmouth.com</a> | Engineering course enrolls over 300</p>

the distrib requirements are very flexible, and there are generally courses available that fulfill a distrib, but not in a traditional or expected way (eg. there are writing courses that fulfill your technology distrib). I do not feel like distribs constrain my choices here - there is definitely a very wide range of choices when it comes to fulfilling a single distrib.</p>

<p>hi sybbie,</p>

<p>I think she's going to take the religion and film one. It's being taught by a brand new visiting Prof from Edinburgh, so no way to check up on him. Hopefully the course will be as interesting as it sounds (to make up for the writing the course will require). After that course, she'll be done with distribs.
I can't believe that you almost have a graduate. The time just flies! My D is so sad that she's already half way done.</p>

<p>i'm actually taking religion 8 this summer</p>


<p>the time is definitely winding up. The diploma frame was delivered to the house earlier this week, so I guess this is going to happen. She told me she just finished up a round of papers and exams and one more set to go before finals. We were trying to coordinate a date to meet up in Boston and she rattled off how booked things are with green key, formal, memorial day, reading period and finals so it is hard to squeeze in time so I probably will meet her in Boston right before graduation.</p>