<p>Just curious if anyone has run across anyone here?</p>
<p>yes there are some search other threads dedicated to the subject. some are designated as "college rep" rather than member, etc. and im sure others just lurk</p>
<p>I know one of the MIT adcom comes here and posts, also there is another guy at MIT who is responsible for financial aid also posts here in cc. There are probably more just lurking around. But I'm unsure whether they check this transfer section of the forum though.</p>
<p>you're bein watched constantly...
wow i sound like i'm on crack</p>
<p>"Paranoia self-destroyer..."</p>
<p>I was actually wondering if there were any adcom members here who might provide some objective feedback.</p>
<p>Although, it does surprise me that some "college students" here have the time to post fairly regularly. Especially the students who have recently been admitted to rigorous programs.</p>
<p>ah well.....what can an adcom do to ya anyways???
I mean seriously....they sit on a computer and raed other ppls discussion boards....They probably hate their jobs so much they don't care what the hell ppl say!
and plus...as long as we dont' say nething incriminating i doubt we have nethin to worry about</p>