<p>I'm curious, how often to admissions people come on these boards? If they come on here very often, can they figure out who you are if they match anything you say online with what's in your application?
I only ask because (please for give me if I sound like a braggart), but the fine details of my application (such as my health history and ECs) are very bizarre. One of my biggest concerns is that if I put too much data on here, somebody in admissions will say 'Oh look, it's NovelNova2010' when they see my application, and reject me right off the bat because they saw something on here that made look horrible. It may seem silly to bring up something like this, but, as my fencing coach has told me a million times, "The stupid question is the one not asked." </p>
<p>Most of the time, this is why users pick random screen names with no connection to their real life personalities. </p>
<p>For me, as a very prolific poster, an ad com rep would have to be VERY DEDICATED to go through hundreds of posts. They might never be 100% sure I am who they think I am. </p>
<p>When a school gets 100s of applications, are they really going to take the time to do more than a shallow Google search? Are they really going to allocate resources to go on College Confidential?</p>
<p>If you are worried, just be vague about what you actually do for ECs and your health condition. Or put comparable, but not exact metaphors for what you really mean. Say you studied abroad in. . .Japan. Don’t say Japan. Put another country, etc. </p>
<p>Just practice common sense and be a little conservative.</p>
<p>AdCom people do come on these boards. I don’t think they have much interest in trying to match up applications with posters… and all of the tedious work that would involve.</p>
<p>Still, I strongly advise that you do NOT post a lot of data about yourself on this site, especially data that could identify you.</p>
<p>There really is almost never any reason to do that. People post their entire life histories (lol) and a pantload of grades/scores/stats on “Chances” threads. For their trouble, they get lots of speculation about what their chances are. They pay nothing for these opinions, which is exactly what they are worth.</p>
<p>Ergo, definitely not worth the risk of posting them because it is unlikely, but possible, that you could be identified.</p>