<p>Hi, I live in CA and I got a 203 on the PSAT as a junior. This is a 97th percentile. I know the Commended minimum score changes every year and it has wavered around 201-204.</p>
<p>I am wondering if all 97th percentile scorers get Commended (like I could already be sure that I will get it) OR if only some of 97th percentiles do (i.e., the minimum score could go up to 204). I know there's nothing I can do about it now, but I would really like to get this award. I have heard that Commended goes from the mid-95th or mid-96th (not sure) to mid-99th percentiles, so this would indicate that all 97th percentiles would get it. Is this correct?</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>I got a 205 in NY and I’m hoping the same goes! I know its ~200 every year.</p>
<p>Congrats, rainbowrose
Good luck…I hope it works out for both of us. I really doubt that it would go beyond 205. But 203 is cutting it a bit close… :/</p>
<p>My son was the 97th percentile last year and got commended. I remember reading at the time that all the 97th percentiles make it and only some of the 96th percentiles. (I remember thinking it would stink to be at 96 and not know for sure.) I don’t remember the source of my reading. You should be fine. Congratulations!</p>
<p>Thanks you too! and that 203 is probably the difference of 1 question annoyingly enough >.<. I was happy/ish with my 205 but then REAL SATs came around and I can’t break 2100. Considering my CR score improved 6(0) pts from my PSAT this bothers me so much!</p>
<p>Thanks ssmom, I remember reading that too. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just my hopeful thinking. And congrats to your son!</p>
<p>@rainbowrose: I know right?! One question!
I haven’t taken the actual SAT yet but I will be this Saturday. :/</p>
<p>I’m not taking it again until June. My biggest problem was that I didn’t have enough time to study. If I take it in June, I’ll have about a month to just study after APs.</p>
<p>Yeah that’s my problem right now too. I’m sure you’ll do really well :)</p>
<p>I sure hope so
but I took both December and January >.< Good luck this weekend! People in my school are ****ED because we have a big research paper due next Monday.</p>
<p>Thank you! Ouch…well good luck with your paper! I have lots to do too :/</p>
<p>OMG i didn’t curse! I said the word that starts with a p that means MAD lol.</p>
<p>Haha okay no worries.</p>
<p>I love the censoring on this site >.<. Good luck with everything!</p>
<p>Haha yep. Thanks! You too!</p>
<p>RainbowRose, I just have to reply to your post #11. That “word that starts with a P that means MAD” is considered by many to be a curse word. You might find the Wikipedia entry on Seven Dirty Words to be interesting. Even if you don’t find that word to be offensive, others might–which is good to know should you ever be in a situation where it might matter, such as a college interview.</p>
<p>But that’s not the real reason I have to reply. You seem surprised that your post would be censored, so I should tell you that to some people, the statement, “OMG I didn’t curse” could be either offensive or funny. Of course, the “G” in OMG stands for God. Your use in this sentence is not to honor God or state a fact or opinion about God, but to emphasize your statement that you didn’t curse. Some people would say that is taking the Lord’s name in vain (even though you didn’t mean anything bad by it). To someone who hears OMG as being disrespectful to God, saying “OMG I didn’t curse” is like saying out loud, “I can’t speak,” or typing “I don’t know how to type.”</p>
<p>I post on CC because I’ve found the posts of others to be very helpful as I go through the college search process with my children. I hope that you’ll take these comments in the spirit intended–to help you understand how others could interpret your statements.</p>