Do all Ivies Superscore?

<p>^^Title Says All :)</p>

<p>If not, which ones dont? </p>

<p>(I know this has been asked before but I searched but couldn't find the thread....maybe somebody else knows it?)</p>


<p>Yes, they do.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure almost all colleges superscore the SAT</p>

<p>keep in mind, however, that even though your superscore may be, say, a 2300, it won’t look as impressive as a single-sitting 2300 anyway, so superscoring only helps to a certain degree, IMO</p>

<p>Has/will this policy change with the new ability to take the SAT as many times and sending only certain scores?</p>

<p>Some schools, like Penn and Cornell, have stated that they will not accept score choice. Harvard will accept it. Yale and Princeton are undecided.</p>

<p>So there’s really a wide spectrum of possibilities :)</p>

<p>Let me rant that score choice is probably the dumbest and most unfair thing to ever enter this world. Even though it starts after I am done taking SATs, it completely screws over anyone who can’t pay for so many tests and favors the rich completely.</p>

<p>Yeah, as much as I liked the idea of scorechoice in the beginning…now I really dont like it. It’s pretty unfair. </p>

<p>Lots of people at my school are taking these tests every single time they’re offered because they think “why not?”</p>

<p>It just depends on the school. Not all Ivies will do it but some will. I know Cornell doesn’t do score choicing.</p>