Do B's Really Matter?

<p>How many B's are okay?</p>

<p>Consider me an average Yale applicant with extensive violin performance/touring, leadership and accomplishment with scholastic bowl and school/community cultural organizations. Excellent test scores, great recs and essays, sending violin recording. Is it okay if I have B's? Can they be "countered" by something especially noteworthy in a different part of my application? My GPA is almost a 4.6 (uw 3.9).. how much do these stinking B's really matter? </p>

<p>Without me telling you how many I got, how many are okay (out of 49 grades by the end of sr. year first semester).</p>

<p>If you have an unweighted GPA of 3.9, you really should not be worrying. Remember, there is not a huge influx of people applying that have a GPA of 4.0, so a few Bs are not anything to worry about. As long as you show some strengths in other areas (ECs, awards, etc) and are not solely relying on test scores to pull you through, then you should be fine. What were your SATs?</p>

<p>ACT: 36</p>

<p>SAT IIs: 800 Math, 780 Bio M, 720 USH</p>

<p>yeah, if your UW GPA is 3.9 you’ll be okay. what is that - 2 B’s? tops?</p>

<p>But even if my UW GPA is okay, won’t they’ll compare my B’s with other spotless transcripts, thus enhancing each B’s… um… horrible-ness?</p>


<p>just chill, you’ll be fine. :)</p>

<p>well its in regards to what schools you are applying to. Did you apply to Yale SCEA?</p>

<p>I got two B’s freshman year, 1 B+ sophomore year, 2 B+'s and a B junior year, and 1 B senior year. My UW is about a 3.5/3.6 and my W is about a 4.1. That puts me at the bottom of the barrel GPA-wise for Yale SCEA, but it is what it is. If I’m not freaking out, you definitely have nothing to worry about with a 3.9.</p>

<p>okay, maybe I’m worrying a bit too much ><. Yes, I did apply to Yale SCEA. My school is pretty competitive so it seemed like I was at the bottom of the barrel when I guess that’s really not the case… still holding out for Dec. 15th!</p>

<p>I’m one of the few non-4.0s applying from my school. The rest have untarnished GPAs, but that’s not the only thing they’re looking for - remember that. Don’t stress, pshan. There’s nothing more you can do now about your GPA, and I’m sure other aspects of your application have great merit.</p>

<p>wow you have really good SAT IIs on top of your ACT, did you choose to send the SAT IIs there as well, or was the ACT enough?</p>

<p>Alright, definitely feeling a little better about this now - go non-4.0’s! And satone - I did sent my SAT IIs there as well as my ACT. My SAT wasn’t as great but I think it all gets automatically sent in one SAT score report so now they have all my scores, haha.</p>

<p>I got a C in calc. Don’t sweat it so much. No applicant is perfect. The worst thing you can do write now is stress out over details.</p>

<p><em>EDIT</em> it seems my anecdote would hold more clout if I mentioned that I’m a Yale freshman currently getting an A in that same class :P</p>

<p>Hopefully I don’t sound like a total weirdo when I say I guessed you were from Yale because of the “TD” in your name and the fact that there’s a dude named Vlad on the TD blog :D</p>

<p>btdubs, if that is the same vlad - love that free download. awesome stuff!</p>

<p>Fun Fact: I am the only Vlad at Yale</p>

<p>I checked the Yale facebook </p>

<p>and you guys read the blog? Hooray!</p>

<p>I’m due to update tomorrow, hopefully if I get around to it I’ll post my band’s demo for people to download.</p>

<p>my daughter got unwgpa:3.8, wgpa:5.6 sat:2000 and act: 31 sat: 800,650,680… and she still
applied via questbridge ( it’s not SCEA and it’s not RD… ) and she got only one C freshman year in physics honors. we still have hope! why not?</p>

<p>I guess so, it can’t hurt :)</p>

<p>fourteen days left!!!</p>