<p>I just took 2 classes at a community college this summer and got A's in both of them. I am transfering them to Carnegie Mellon for this fall. On the CMU transcript the grade will not show (it will only say T). However, when I apply for law school can I factor the two As in?</p>
<p>You'll need the LSDA reports, but yes they do count</p>
<p>Yes, your LSDAS GPA includes all college classes taken before the conferral of your first bachelor's degree.</p>
<p>Consider, too, though that that law schools to which you apply will see your actual transcripts and will know from where and in what classes you received your grades.</p>
<p>Thanks so much guys!! I really happy now :) I only took 2 classses at community college and am going to do a double major at my main school so I dont think it should hurt me that much</p>