do church services count as community service?

<p>i was just wondering, for htings like helping out with youth group (wiht leadership positions, etc)</p>

<p>Here is what I think:</p>

<p>If you are an officer in your own high school aged youth group, that isn't community service. Hopefully your youth group does some community service activities as a group - those count. And if as an officer you plan community service activities, the planning time counts.</p>

<p>If you run a youth group for 5th and 6th graders, that is community service.</p>

<p>If you run a youth group for 5th and 6th graders, that is community service.</p>

<p>does that mean like leading a small group/bible study for a group of middle schoolers?
and outreach events (where we invite nonchristians), or leading/being part of a praise/worship team (musical intstruments)?</p>

<p>I'd like to know that too.</p>

<p>If it's service only for your own church (like Bible study), and not the greater community, I'd call it "extracurricular activity." If it's service to the greater community which just happens to be sponsored by your church (like helping in a food bank), it's "community service."</p>

<p>If your "outreach" is to attempt to bring people into your church, it's not community service. If it's to foster greater understanding between different faiths in your community, it is.</p>