Do colleges take my grading scale into account?

<p>At my high school we have a 7pt grading scale, so an A would be 93-100, B 85-92, etc. Do colleges take this into account when they see your actual numerical grades? Say you receive a 91, would admission officers say thats a B or an A, or just a 92? I ask this because I know that most high schools have a 10 pt scale and it seems unfair. Any Heelp??</p>

<p>Oh and how would a 72 be viewed in your junior year in Ap calc ? Sorry, I have a lot of questions</p>

<p>The grading scale doesn’t matter. A 92 is a 92 anywhere in the country, no matter if your counselor calls it an A or a B. It will affect the way your GPA is calculated by your highschool, but you are only being compared (by rank) to other kids in your HS, not to everyone in the country (who may have a 10 point scale or something different). Don’t worry, you are not at any disadvantage because of this scale.</p>

<p>Similarly, a 72 is viewed as a 72. A low grade. If it’s amongst many A’s, it’s not a huge deal, but it still doesn’t look good. Your grades and application will be viewed holistically though. That means, that 72 alone won’t get your application rejected.</p>

<p>the 72 is amongst straight A’s, thankfully. I got that grade during apcalculus. I have AP calculus next semester, how good would it be if I got an 93 during second semester? Oh and the 93 and 72 dont average out, they are seperate.</p>

<p>When you apply to a college, your counselor will provide the info necessary for the adcoms to interpret your grade in the context of your school and their grading policy.</p>

<p>Obviously getting a 93 will be helpful. Upward trend in grades is always good.</p>

<p>Hah ok, would that make up for my 72 though??</p>

<p>You can’t “make up” for it, but it’s helpful. Stop worrying and just move on!</p>

<p>Haha i guess you are right, thanks for all your help</p>