Do I even have a shot at LA?

<p>GPA: 4.0 W uncapped, 3.6 W UC, 3.3 UW >_< i think this alone kills me, along with my rank, my school is full of ****
rank: bad, i'm gonna say 75/500
school size: medium to large
Asian male, in state (cali)
prospective major: engineering (most likely EE or computer eng.), should i apply undecided instead b/c of my low GPA?</p>

<p>Course load: sophmore (ap euro, ap stats, chem h, eng h, chinese2), junior (ap eng lang, ap us, physics IB, pre calc H, chinese3; self studied for calc and physics AP tests, though i don't think the ad coms will notice that), senior (ap calc bc, ap chem, ap eng lit, ap psych, ap gov)</p>

<p>SAT I: 2160 (800M/710W/650CR)
SAT II: 8002c, projected: 750 for physics and chem</p>

school newspaper sports editor
president of an engineering oriented club at school
helping hands (tutoring kids who need help at school, esp in math/science)
Tutoring K-9th grade kids, 4 hours/week
100 hrs at local hospital (volunteering)</p>



<p>UCLA: Slight Reach (Engineering)</p>

<p>yeah i would recommend u to apply for undecided major</p>

<p>I think undecided major is actually harder to get in... my friend who had about similar stats as me was rejected when applying undecided</p>

<p>i got in with way crappier stats than him</p>

<p>i heard that 60% of ucla incoming freshman got in with undeclared or something like that</p>

<p>For engineering, almost impossible cause of your GPA. A&S might be possible but again, that GPA really deflates your chances. Need to pick up your SAT scores with that GPA.</p>

<p>I got in engineering with high gpa and low sat while my friends who had similar stats and even a bit better couldn't get into College of L&S</p>

<p>just apply as engineering. transferring into engineering can take up to a year to do.</p>

<p>flong, I thought you were going to UCSD? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>does UCLA consider mid-year reports at all?</p>

<p>and i should still apply engineering?</p>

<p>UCLA only requests Mid year reports if you're a borderline applicant.</p>

<p>thanks a lot!</p>