<p>Hey! Just wanted some feedback on my chances at these schools. So here are my stats: I got a 33 on my ACTs and a 720 and 720 on my US History and English subject tests (but I might not submit the subject tests because they aren't necessary with ACTs). I have a 3.87 GPA (unweighted) and I took all advanced classes offered at my school (what passes for honors at other schools). The only AP my school offers is Calc AB, so I took that this year, and I took the APUSH and English Lang APs despite not being able to take the AP classes and got a 4 and 5 respectively. I also took seven classes this year and my junior year- most other students only take six classes. I also have a bunch of extracurriculars: I'm on indoor and outdoor varsity track, I'm student council president, and I regularly do community service, music groups, and other various clubs. I know that Brown is definitely a huge stretch, but is there any chance for me at Wes? Thanks!! :)</p>
<p>Can you provide us more information in an organized manner?
Solely based on ACT/GPA, it will be a reach for Brown; It’s an Ivy league, and lots of applicants will have same score.</p>