Do I have a chance? I think I am average not sure

<p>I attend high school and a community college, I plan to graduate with my AA with honors. My SAT scores were 1300 and my ACT score was 21. My gpa unweighted as of junior year (just started senior year) is 3.5 unweighted and 4.2 weighted. I am taking my 4th year of math and I have completed 3 years of science. I am the Vice President of ASB and I joined around 5-7 different clubs/organizations with around 100 hours of community service. I am Hispanic, I want to major in environmental sciences, or criminal justice, or business, I am not a 100% sure yet. I want to attend a UC shool in California (perhaps UC Berkely or UC Santa Barbra)… I don’t know if I actually have a chance on going to a good school… please help </p>

<p>You definitely have a shot. Your GPA is good, pull it up senior year. Your SAT needs to be higher. Try looking at the medium range of scores for the colleges you’re looking at. </p>

<p>How high do you think I need to pick up my SAT? Do you know if my SAT and ACT scores will count since I will be going in with an AA (general ed all covered) </p>

<p>There is no pulling up the GPA senior year for Cal States and UC’s. They admit based on the grades through 11th grade. They will not see them. The just require after admission that you not get any grades lower than C- and maintain a reasonable GPA your senior year.</p>

<p>You need to calculate your UC GPA see link: <a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU;
Are you OOS?? If so, I hope you are aware that the UC’s give little to no financial aid to OOS and your price tag would be around $55K/year. Your ACT/SAT scores are way below the average for most of the UC’s. You would need to retake and aim for a ACT 29+ or SAT of 1900+ to be competitive. </p>