Do I have a chance of transferring to any universities?

Hey guys, so I’ve had a very rocky academic history due to personal problems in my life, but this isn’t what this thread is about (the personal problems).

Here it is ( so you guys can see exactly what I’m talking about. I used the Transfer Admission Planner to gauge my GPA( scroll down to the bottom to see the GPA).

I originally thought it would be pointless to apply to UC’s due to my overall GPA and was thinking I would most likely be attending a CSU due to following an Associates Degree for Transfer at my CC. Then I read this ( thread and it really got my hopes up.

So I have applied to UCD, UCI, UCSD, UCB (I know I’m dreaming, but you never know…), SJSU, Sonoma, Chico, SLO and Obispo.

When the UC’s look at my GPA for transfer what will they be focusing on? Assist Certified GPA? Overall GPA? I have honestly done decent on my major prep courses, so hopefully that makes me look a bit better along with extracurriculars.

It makes me kind of sad because if they focus on Assist certified GPA then I think I could have tagged in with a 3.28 Assist Certified GPA.

Can you guys give me a clear picture of my situation?

Course list for this semester:

  • Physics 3
  • History 101
  • Intro to Statistics

I plan on acing all 3.

UCs focus on more than just gpa, there’s also essays and how many prerecs you have taken. I think they only look at your UC-transfer gpa, but I could be wrong…

Are you taking physics 3 this semester at southwestern or city? (I’m in the SD area, so just wondering)