Do I have a chance?

<p>UC GPA: 3.66
SAT Reasoning: 2110 - Writing: 670, Reading: 660, Math: 780
Taking ACT: aiming for around 33
SAT IIs: Math2c: 760, Biology M: 670 </p>

Eagle Scout Award
Advanced Level Award for Piano (played for 12 years)
Choir for 10+ years - attended multiple festivals in various countries
School Orchestra - 4 years
Pit Orchestra for School Musical
Some clubs at school, but no officer positions - 4 years
Community Service: around 150 hours
Low Income
National Merit - Commended </p>

<p>Senior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Language and Composition, some other classes</p>

<p>4 APs, 4 Honors total</p>

<p>I think you have an excellent chance. What is your intended major?</p>

<p>You have excellent statistics, and awesome extracurriculars. I think your extracurriculars and SAT scores more than make up than a slightly below average GPA (don’t get me wrong, it’s an excellent GPA, just slightly below the average accepted). Good chance, and good luck!</p>