Do I have a shot at an ivy?

<p>Korean, Mid-class
Currently a sophomore</p>

<p>school i was in freshman year didn't have a lot of challenging courses...or options</p>

<p>*1st Semester/ 2nd Semester</p>

<p>9th Grade
Honors English 9/English 9<br>
Physical Science
French 2

<p>GPA: 3.92</p>

<p>------moved--------to GA, blue ribbon school</p>

<p>Currently: 10th Grade
US Lit/Comp Honors
World History Honors
Algebra 2 Honors
Biology/Biology Honors
Health/Latin 1

<p>*studying Latin 1 independently 1st semester</p>

<p>11th Grade
AP Lang/Comp
AP U.S. History
Advanced Algebra/Trig
Advanced Genetics (or Chemistry Honors)
AP Psychology
Latin 2 (maybe honors)</p>

<p>12th Grade
AP Lit/Comp
AP European History
AP Economics
Latin 3 Honors
Business Law</p>

<p>I'm not sure if I should continue French...or start Latin. I had bad teachers in my old school, and not sure if I could keep up in my new school.</p>

<p>And In 9th grade I had a schedule conflict so I had to drop honors english.</p>

<p>Also I was wondering if it'll be alright if I took AP World History instead of AP US or European History. (I'm taking World history Honors now) I want to study it more in depth but will I miss out if I don't take US or European History?</p>

<p>Well...If all goes well, I'll have about:</p>

<p>Total GPA:
3.7~3.9 GPA</p>

Beta Club (10~12)
P.A.C. (Politcally Active Citizen 10~12)
Tennis: (10~12)
NHS: (11~12)
Latin Club...maybe
French Club: (9)
Orchestra: (9)</p>

<p>SAT: just assuming I'll get about 2100</p>

Korean with Listening: 800 (didn't take it yet, but it's my first language so...)
will take others...but not sure what to take.</p>

<p>This summer I'll be going to Korea to volunteer</p>

<p>Also I've reading threads and it said I needed a passion.
I'm fascinated with Greek and Rome...And I've reading a whole bunch about it. Will it help if I visit there and write about that? </p>

<p>Intended majors:

<p>Long term goals: Yale Law School</p>

<p>Do I have a chance at...(with EA or ED)
John Hopkins</p>

<p>If not, can you state some more realistic choices
and I know I lack EC's any suggestions will be appreciated.
(thinking about volunteering at the library or if I can, help teach korean kids)</p>

<p>You're 15!</p>

<p>oh really?</p>

<p>Seriously dude, chill. Enjoy your life!</p>

<p>can someone actually respond please...</p>

<p>oh...btw I want to mjor in classics not history... : )</p>

<p>I would say you should keep your gpa as close to your freshman gpa as posible. If you do, and have alot of the stuff that those ivies look for, you will have just as good a crapshot as any applicant. That being said, you just started sophmore year... it is way to early to say what you will do over the next two years of your highschool career. Just do well,and work hard and check back at the end of your junior year man! ;)</p>

<p>'re only a sophomore and you're assuming a lot of things will happen over the next three years. </p>

<p>Chill out and enjoy the ride dude.</p>

<p>one more thing, ure korean. korean is your first language. why in the WORLD are u planning on taking a SATS 2 in korean? yes, i know a 800 will look fantastic, but it really serves no point and i bet college admission officers would know so too. just my 2 cents worth/</p>

<p>oh and volunteering in korea means nothing, if you are thinking that it'll look better. cause they know that ur on vacation most of the time anyways.</p>