<p>I'm a rising senior in Southern Georgia. Ranked 9 of 322 at present with about a 4.3 weighted GPA. By graduation I'll have taken 13 AP courses and 2 dual enrollment college classes. I play varsity soccer and am the captain of the varsity cross country team. My 2-score SAT is a 1430 (760 CR, 670 M) I'm looking to get that up in October. I scored a 32 on my ACT. Also held leadership positions in several clubs and organizations, Eagle Scout (major project), heavily involved in local youth ministry, working to start a mentorship program with local non-profit, mission trips (international and local), Georgia Boy's State attendee, I've been a busboy at a local restaurant since October. Selected as school's best modern foreign language student, UGA Certificate of Merit, AP Scholar, Furman University Scholar, National Merit Test Commended Student.</p>
<p>I know that SAT needs to be higher, but what do you guys think?</p>
<p>You’re in the ball park. Higher SAT will always help. Just know that McNair and carolina scholars are about more than just grades/stats. The application for these (basically the honors app) is long and assuming you are invited to compete, there are interviews. There will be some perfect scores not invited. Just raise score as much as possible and take your time on your application. Good luck.</p>
<p>from a former McNairs Mom’s perspective…you have some of the qualities that the committee looks for: leadership experience OUTSIDE the realm of your high school,depth in your extracurriculars,a paid job alongside other obligations, and of course, high test scores and aceing the most challenging coursework available to you as a highschool student.As scmom has said, that honors app is all important…take your time on it, dont be intimidated by its length/scope. Best of luck to you!</p>
<p>Hey man!</p>
<p>You are definitely right up there! As scmom said, it isn’t only about test scores - quite the opposite. As of now, your scores are absolutely in the correct range, as are your extracurriculars.</p>
<p>All of the hard work is done - there isn’t much more you can do now. Now it is time to be confident in yourself and start working on that application. The eight (yes 8) essays on the Honors application IS the McNair application. Start in August when it is released. Outline the eight essays and use each one to portray a different trait or activity. Be creative! Email them, phone them, go to the McNair dinner. Send in extra stuff by email (videos, newspaper clippings, resume, etc).</p>
<p>Basically just own the application from august-november. Just some tips
PM me if you have any additional questions throughout the process.</p>
<p>Hope to see you in February!</p>