Do I have a shot at Villanova, Tulane, BC?

<p>These are my top three schools, and as I begin to fill out applications, I'm wondering if I actually have a chance at any of them. </p>

<p>I go to a large, competitive public HS in New York. I'm looking to major in English & will be applying to colleges of arts & sciences.</p>

<p>GPA: 94.33/100 W (my school doesn't give out unweighted)
School does not rank
Will graduate with 7 AP classes. I've been all honors and AP classes except for math & science and certain electives.
Senior year schedule: AP Gov, AP Lit, AP Italian, AP Psych, Physics H, Pre-calc</p>

<p>SAT: 1980/1280 (720CR, 560M, 700W 10E) taken once, might take again in Oct. depending on Sept. ACT score
ACT: 29 (34E, 25M, 35R, 22S, 31 E/W 8E) without prep, re-taking in Sept.
AP Exams: World History (4), English Lang. (4), US History (5)
SAT II: Bio E- 550 (accidently sent this to Villanova)</p>

<p>ECs: Student gov. in 9th grade.. not that significant. I've had 3 part time jobs and 2 internships by senior year.</p>

<p>Over 330 volunteer hours, some pretty unique community service experiences as well.</p>

<p>I'm anticipating good recs, good essays, etc.</p>


<p>Villanova: High match
Tulane: High match
BC: High match</p>


<p>If I apply to Rutgers New Brunswick too, could I get into the honors program?</p>

<p>Those are all going to be low reaches for you, especially with those test scores and spotty ECs. Make sure you also have done solid matches on your list. Good luck! :)</p>

<p>Do you have a problem with Binghamton or Stony Brook?</p>

<p>@ Catria</p>

<p>I actually live in Stony Brook so I definitely don’t want to go there haha. I’m really looking to get out of NY.</p>