Do I have any chance at Yale?

<p>i applied there easc, but i honestly have no idea whether i stand a chance. honesty please!</p>


<p>white, suburban public school, no special circumstances</p>

<p>sat i
math: 790
writing: 800</p>

<p>sat ii
span: 720
bio m: 750
math2: 770</p>

<p>gpa (unweighted) 3.9
ranked 2/370-ish
most rigorous classes, etc. blah blah</p>

tennis 4 yrs
trumpet- 6 yrs (regionals and all state)
wind ensemble, pit band, choral spectrum band, etc etc
math club 2 yrs
literary magazine 3 yrs
church volunteering- teach ccd and vacation bible school</p>

<p>help! am i just like everyone else who applies?
im also applying to stanford, princeton, duke, tufts, lehigh, lafayette, and uconn</p>

<p>Nobody has any advice?????????</p>

<p>I think you have an above average chance. 35% maybe?</p>

<p>nice SAT score :), i agree you probably have somewhere around a 35-40% chance, which is pretty good for yale</p>

<p>Yale is always difficult; your chances are probably around 30-35% with nothing extraordinary but very good academics. I was rejected last year with similar stats, but it was regular decision. You have a good chance for Duke, and I think you can get into Stanford also.</p>

<p>thanks for the help. i forgot to mention im also nhs treasurer and senior class treasurer. what do you think of duke. i really liked it when i visited, but im not really sure how i felt about the high frat/sorority rate...</p>

<p>The social/party scene here is definitely dominated by the Greek organizations. Personally, I am not into partying, so the Greek life really doesn't affect me. Duke has plenty of on-campus clubs and activities for the many people who choose not to be involved in Greek life. Like I said, since I don't party, it doesn't matter to me whether that scene is dominated by Greek organizations. There will be parties and cliques at any college, so Duke is not unique in that regard just because of the large percentage of students in Greek life. </p>

<p>If you do plan to party and have a very active social life, you will probably be better off as a member of a Greek organization at Duke. If you are uncomfortable with that idea, this might not be the best place for you. But if you have other priorities and interests, the percentage of students involved in Greek life doesn't make much of a difference. I (along with many people here) find the academics quite challenging, and most of my time is devoted to work anyway.</p>

<p>I heard that Stanford values their athletes more than any other prestigious institution. I'd say you're good.</p>

<p>The SAT and GPA are great, but the ECs seem a bit weak for Yale.</p>

<p>thats good to hear that the greek scene doesnt totally dominate everything. do you happen to know anything about their music ensembles, especially the concert/marching/pep bands?</p>

<p>Anybody that thinks they have a 35% chance at Yale had better be a legacy with money or they haven't done their homework. The admit rate is 9.7%. Out of that, subtract the legacies, developmentals, athletes, and URMs. The rest of the pool will stats similar to yours. Your ECs don't show much leadership, no state or national awards, etc. Your SAT score is very strong. Go to last years board and count the 1600s that were rejected. You have the same 5% chance that 10,000 other people have.</p>

<p>such negativity bandit. While I personally don't think that he has a 35% chance of acceptance, it's not really 5% either.</p>

<p>Better than 50/50. Extraordianry SATs, excellent class rank, better than top 1%. All state trumpet impressive. If teacher recs are good, and essays interesting, why not. Who do you think take at Yale? Bush and Kerry?</p>

<p>Just trying to provide some realism. I saw too many broken hearted kids last year that thought they were in. Go read last year's board for April 1 and Dec 15. It will open your eyes. 20,000 kids apply and they all think they have a shot. Most do, at 1320 slots. Once you reach this level, the factors are far too intangible to say anyone has X% chance.</p>

<p>i completely agree with bandit. Most of you guys here saying OP has any more than a 5% chance is misinformed. OP's EC's are simply weak for Yale's standards. No leadership, no awards, and there must be 5000 other applicants with band/music EC's. </p>

<p>And also, at the HYPS level, once your SAT scores are up to a point, like 2250ish +, then it isn't a major factor anymore.</p>

<p>This means reject from Yale, Princeton and Stanford. </p>

<p>I'm NOT trying to be mean, but just like bandit, trying to be realistic</p>

<p>Fact: The combined SAT is easily in the top 25% OF THOSE ADMITTED. Not just those applying. Do you think Yale keeps it's SATs that high by saying "2250 is enough." Dream on. This person has even chances or better.</p>

<p> would depend on the breakdown.......................</p>

<p>The only he could increase his chances in terms of SAT, would be to get a perfect score.........</p>

<p>ECs matter a whole lot after the score.</p>

<p>Yale accepts just short of 1/2 the valedictorians and just 1/2 of the kids with perfect SAT scores. This kid just about meets both of those criterion. There is no way his chances are anywhere near as low as 5%.</p>

<p>Right on stam</p>

<p>MAybe 10% chance....</p>