Do I have any chance of getting accepted into any UC's?

UC GPA: 4.21
Unweighted: 3.9

What’s your SAT/ACT? Subject tests? If you get a 36, you could probably get into Cal. If you got a 20, you’re $hit out of luck…

Sorry, here are my stats.

UC GPA: 4.21
Weight GPA: 4.05
SAT I: 1450
SAT II: Chinese(800), for sure taking Math 2 and not sure about science because have not taken any AP science, but want to major in engineering. Should I self-study?

Sophomore classes: (straight A’s)
English 3/4: A/A
Chemistry: A/A
AVID 3/4: A/A
AP Euro History: A/A
Health: A
Algebra 3/4: A/A
Spanish 3/4: A/A

Junior Year: (two B’s)
Honor Pre-calc: A/B
AP Calculus AB: A/A
AP US History: A/B
AP Psychology: A/A
American Lit: A/A
Physics: A/A

Senior class load (if matters?)
AP Physics 1/2
AP Physics Mechanics
AP Calculus BC
AP Government
Screen Print
Intro to Computer Science

AP classes (including senior year): 8

JV Basketball
JV Water Polo
“Founder” and President of American Red Cross Club at our school.
San Diego Red Cross Youth Council
Member of various clubs
300+ of community service hours w/ certificate

My main concerns: ones I can think of
Easy classes in sophomore year, but because I moved here in 7th grade, so I tried to take it slow.
Two B’s in junior year.
Also for AVID, we only get UC credit if doing it all four years, but I am dropping it in senior year because I have to take arts and PE. ( I basically wasted 3 years of my high school…)

Strengths: ones I can think of
Gradual Improvements?
Decent GPA and SAT
Founder of an international organization club.

So I want to major in engineering (not sure which) and I am applying to Cal, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCD, Purdue, Notre Dame, U Mich, U North Carolina, and more (still deciding).

The science subject test can help out for sure, but other than that you can definitely get into some UCs. Are you in-state? If not, cost will probably be a bigger problem than admissions into the UC system

@gumbymom can weigh in with some stats, but I would say pretty good for all UCs if you write killer essays.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above (2016) from the UC infocenter:

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

This does not take into account an applicants intended major (competitive vs non-competitive), test scores, EC’s and essays. All these factors contribute to your chances even though UC’s tend to be GPA focused. You are definitely qualified, but just take a look at how many qualified applicants were shut out of many of the UC’s this year by checking the decision threads.

^^^agree. With >100,000 apps to UCLA per class, that 54% is going to give you a run for your money with other highly qualified students.

SAT score for UMich Engineering is low and you are OOS which makes it a massive reach. Reach for UNC and Norte Dame as well. Cal and UCLA are giant reaches as well for Engineering given your SAT score and class rigor.

Possible red flag for engineering schools since you haven’t taken any AP science classes yet. Most of the applicants will have taken either AP Biology or AP Chemistry junior year.

Your profile seems more suited to a history or social sciences major given the classes that you have taken so far. Of course you should take my advice with the proverbial grain of salt, but none of your ECs match an interest in Engineering TBH.


Yeah, I totally understand what you are saying, but you know it is 21st century and tech. industry is the way to go; I do not want to spend years and major in something that would not benefit me as much. I was thinking about majoring in economics, but since I am shooting for mostly UC’s, I am not sure what to do because they are not known for economics.

And if I want to major in economics, should I take AP Stats instead of Calc BC senior year?

Any suggestions?