Do I have any chance of transfering in to A & M?

<p>I started my college life at Baylor. My parents forced me to study BIology and due to lack of interest I had a 2.25 GPA after 1.5 years. Then I transferred in to University of Houston studying English/History and now have a 3.868 GPA. I am active in a History honors society, a chess club, and a film club. I plan to spend ample time on my two essays. DO I stand a chance in getting in as a double History/English major?</p>

<p>What’s your overall GPA? How many hours do you have?</p>

<p>I have 67 hours (which includes this semesters 12 hours). 24 hours of this is at U of H. The rest is at Baylor.</p>

<p>So since a majority of your hours seem to be low, I’d just guess your overall gpa around 2.9ish. Since your gpa would be higher in the History curriculum, I think that’ll matter. Just acknowledge this in the essays…I think you have a descent shot. Especially with your extracurriculurs and strong essays. The important thing to do is apply History first choice and some other major in the Liberal Arts school as your second major. It’s easy to transfer majors in the College of Liberal Arts. Don’t put general studies, you’ll end up competing with business and engineering hopefuls with 3.7s.</p>

<p>thanks. I appreciate your help. That cleared a lot of issues,</p>