<p>do i have to rush my december sat score?
if you know ANY info for the followin colleges, pls help me!
i alraedy phoned some of them, but i really want to make sure...and some schools such as U wash and UIUC..they never reply =(
so here is the list</p>
U of Wash-seattle
SUNY Binghamton</p>
<p>Do not know specifically about SUNY but I would assume it is like others for which regular delivery is fine. The others you list all accept Dec scores by regular delivery even though they may arrive a little after the application deadline (e.g., UIUC wants the score by Jan 12 and regular delivery will get it there easily by then if you order it sent no later than when score comes out, in fact, the universities you list do not want rushed deliveries).</p>
<p>Yes. UVa’s last accepted test date is the Jan test and thus you easily have no problem there. Cornell accepts Dec regular delivery and will consider Jan tests if they arrive before a decision has been made on you (in other words, sending Jan may or may not be considered but for Dec test there is no issue). UC’s last accepted test date is Dec and it says it wants regular not rushed delivery, likewise UIUC. UWash’s app deadline is Jan 15 and it says it takes Dec scores by regular delivery. Also, now checked on SUNY Binghamton. It actually has no official app deadline but recommends that application be sent by no later than Jan 15 and that all necessary materials be in their hands by Feb 15. Note, all of the above have electronic delivery of scores from College Board. Rushed scores are mailed and, when colleges have electronic delivery, a “regular” send will most often actually get there before any rushed score.</p>