Do I make too much for Questbridge?

I was wondering if I qualify for quest bridge CPSP. We made 90k last year with a family of 7 people. Also, my dad lost his job near the end of last year so we are going to be making about half the amount this year. Do you think I would qualify this year?

The $65K is not a hard and fast cut off for applying, and they do take family size into account.

This is exactly what QB says:

College Prep Scholars typically come from households earning less than $65,000 annually for a typical household of four and have minimal assets. This is not a strict cut-off and we encourage students who feel they have faced significant financial hardship to review these financial criteria carefully to see if they may qualify.

Here are the rest of the criteria:

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The income is scaled depending on how many people are in your family, so it’s very likely your family would qualify due to having 7 rather than 4 people, and especially if your income was halved for part of the year.
Definitely contact them and describe your circumstances clearly but I believe you’re in the clear.


I know a person who is at a top university through Questbridge who is not from a typical FGLI. Both parents are college graduates and one is a teacher in high paying state for teachers. So the best thing to do is apply and see. You may or may not qualify but you’ll never qualify if you don’t apply.