<p>today i got my last grades, a C and a P, but i didn't know that i was taking one of the courses P/F. the P/F class was for a 1 credit-hour course that won't transfer. </p>
<p>should i tell berkeley that i took this class P/F? i don't remember if they asked for this information/whether or not it was important. thanks guys.</p>
<p>They’ll find out either way. Tell them now so that if they’re NOT okay with it then you can make plans to retake the class during summer school.</p>
<p>You MUST notify your admissions advisor of any information that turned out to be different from the information you submitted during the app process. Even classes that are non-transferable need to be reported. Failure to report information until they eventually find out will only serve to harm you.</p>
<p>But yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with taking a 1 unit non-transferable class for a NP/P grade. Just email your advisor and let them know for the record. No harm done :)</p>
<p>did the spring update require us to state whether classes were being taken graded or pass/fail? i have a record of the update and see no mention of it, but i could be forgetting something.</p>
<p>therefore, idk if this is “information that turned out to be different from the information you submitted during the app process”.</p>
<p>unless i get a definite answer from somebody i will def. contact my admissions officer though.</p>
<p>I wouldnt worry about your P/np class…its that C that you should worry about! am i right? I thought they dont like Cs b/c thats a 2.0 right there</p>
<p>guys, the following is an excerpt from the conditions of admission:</p>
<p>so, i have other grades in the A/B range and that one C, plus the P in the 1 credit-hour non-transferrable course, meaning i satisfy the 3.0+ GPA req as well as the “no grade lower than a C” req. just wondering if we have to report classes as being graded or pass, etc, because this would mean i have to contact them… anybody know for sure?</p>
<p>Why don’t you just save yourself some time and worrying and just contact them anyway? Might as well hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. They reply rather quickly. I emailed my advisor today to let him know that I’ll be fulfilling an American Culture requirement over the summer, and I received a reply literally within minutes.</p>
<p>heyy. i have the same conditions of admission with u.</p>
<h1>You must notify your Admissions Officer immediately, in writing, of any additions, drops or withdrawals from courses you plan to complete this academic year.</h1>
<h1>You must complete your Haas admissions requirements and at least 60 UC-transferable semester (90 quarter) units by the end of the spring 2010 term. Immediately contact your Admissions Officer if you will not be able to meet this condition.</h1>
<h1>You must complete all UC-transferable courses in the Winter and/or Spring 2010 terms with a 3.0 or higher GPA and no grade lower than a C. Immediately contact your Admissions Officer if you will not be able to meet this condition.</h1>
<h1>If you are currently enrolled or previously attended another UC campus, you must be in good academic standing.</h1>
<h1>Important: If you choose to attend summer session 2010, you must immediately notify your UC Berkeley Admissions Officer by email and your final, official transcript must be received in our office by September 4, 2010.</h1>
<p>i also got a C in one of my classes. im wondering if thats ok? “no grade lower than a C” means that a C is still ok right?</p>