<p>So a long time ago I used to fence, and I remembered that I'd qualified for the junior olympics. Against...4 other people or so. I'll just paste tournament results here:</p>
<p>San Diego Div II/III Summer National Quals C & Under Women's Foil 5th of 5(place)
San Diego Junior Olympic Qualifiers Cadet (U17) Women's Foil 1st of 1<br>
San Diego Junior Olympic Qualifiers Junior (U20) Women's Foil 2nd of 2<br>
San Diego Junior Olympic Qualifiers Junior (U20) Women's Saber 2nd of 4<br>
Div II/III Quals C & Under Senior Women's Foil 3rd of 7 </p>
<p>Um, winning 3rd place out of 7 people etc is not very stellar and neither is winning 1/1(I was the only person signed up for it so i automatically won). Do I put this in my application anyway or is this too inane ? ( I did end up going to the junior olympics but I didn't even end up ranking. Got out the 2nd round)</p>
<p>I guess it would show i am interested in different things, but it's kind of pathetic, since nobody else in my town fences except for some guys. If i were an admissions officer I would laugh at this, but my mom insists I should put it on my college application. ?</p>
<p>Include it for sure.
Do you still fence. There are schools that have fencing teams and you may want to contact the coaches, get involved in some way if you are still interested in completing.</p>
<p>Oh! actually I found out i am ranked from the nationals, got it mixed up with junior olympics oops. 79th for one and 92th place for different divisions-had to do a LOT of searching but I found they do rank after…70th place</p>
<p>Uh, does that make it better?
I could just list the place…but yeah if they check it they’ll probably think ‘what a devious little girl’</p>
<p>I would recommend not including the number of participants if possible. It’s deception, but not really lying. And if you can’t, then still include it because from my personal experience, I don’t know many fencers, so it would make you unique in the eyes of the admission committee.</p>