do i stand a chance?

<p>first i just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to read this thread.
So I'm an ohio resident looking at SUNY Binghamton (EA), Ohio State, Ucincinnati, indiana university: all intended major- nursing,
Very competetive high school sends off many grads to ivys/ top tier schools.
We don't do ranking publicly but I think I'm in the top 30%
GPA: 3.6
ACT: 23 (26 on english and math subscores)
Honors classes: bio, chem, physics, environmental science, french 4-6
AP/college credit: taking stats and env. science this spring, and psychology and anthropology taken at local community college
4 yrs of english, social studies, science, and french
4.5 yrs of performing arts
5 yrs of math
ECs: megavolunteer (400+hrs), tennis 4 yrs (1 yr varsity), student council 4yrs (3 yrs rep, 1 yr class secretary), leadership conference, amnesty international exec board, multicultural club, technology club, orchestra (since 4th grade), piano since 5 yrs old
Also: I have a really good essay, and 2 awesome rec letters!
And I'm first generation american (mom and dad born in russia but both went to college)
I know my ACTs are awful, but I'm hoping the other things can make up for it :O
Thanks in advance!</p>