Do Ivy League schools "talk" to each other?

<p>My private college counselor said that it was best not to apply to many Ivy League schools because they "talk" to each other, meaning if I applied to Columbia, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton, they would all know that I applied to three other Ivies. However, an admission counselor from University of Pennsylvania visited my school a few weeks ago and I asked this same question and she said they have too little time and it would be too much work to find out what other schools you applied to...Do you know which one is true? I'm guessing the UPenn admission counselor is right, since after all, she is on the admissions committee of an Ivy.</p>

<p>The UPenn counselor is correct. The Ivies do not have time to discuss candidates with each other.</p>

<p>Your counselor is showing her age, it was true at one time but they agreed to stop.</p>

<p>This collusion behavior was successfully challenged in court and the Ivies & MIT had to cease these conferences.</p>

<p>They used to talk to each other when determining financial aid. That ended due to a successful challenge linked to antitrust laws. </p>

<p>Otherwise, the admissions officers tend to know each other as is the case of many people who work in the same field, but aren’t officially trading names, etc.</p>

<p>One time, I think a Harvard officer hacked into the Yale candidates page and found out info about whether they would be getting fin aid or not. When that was found out the outcome wasn’t pretty…</p>