Do middle school grades affect college apps?

Hi, I am a parent and my child is having a similar problem but she is in the eighth grade…for her 3 years in middle school she has gotten under average grades. But, she has fixed her grades and for this last part of the school year, she is on track to receive all A’s and I am sure she will do the same in high school. So, my main question here is, will her middle school grades possibly affect her future college applications to top tier colleges?

Usually middle school grades are used for placement in high school courses. Lower grades may prevent placement into honors or advance classes.

Two classes that might appear on a high school transcript are 8th grade math if it is Algebra or above, and a foreign language. Different schools do things in different ways.

They will only look at the grades on her high school transcript. If she takes a course in middle school for HS credit, that grade will appear on her high school transcript.