Do most schools allow overnights in Fall?

<p>We're going to be visiting a second batch of schools the first week of October. I wonder if schools wouldn't allow a senior to overnight until later in the year, because it would be disruptive to practically new students? What has been your experience? Thanks.</p>

<p>Hi Sushi!
We found that each college seemed to have their own policy on overnights. My son got offers all the time for specific weekend overnights at Allegheny. At Roanoke, they offered them certain days of the week and not just in the spring. At his sister's school, they offered certain long weekends starting on Thursday and ending on a Sunday. There were limited spots. At some colleges, they didn't offer them at all.</p>

<p>Most LACs have special weekends for applying seniors - you have to send in apps and everything though... I believe I got invited to Williams & Swarthmore which were both on the same weekend - first weekend of October. There are limited spots though.</p>