Do Students at Alabama Resent OOS Students That Get Scholarships?



<p>Yes, enrollment is mega-huge. Many/most kids in AZ have to become residential students at the publics they attend, since the state only has 3. </p>

<p>When a state like Alabama opts to sprinkle state univs throughout the state, it is providing commutable education to be available. </p>

<p>Some argue, but shouldnt all kids have the choice to attend their fav/best state univ? Well, we look at the K-12 system…shouldnt all kids have the choice to attend their fave/best k-12 schools? </p>

<p>Note - I created a new thread form all the comments related to the discussion about the HC vs. Ivies. It was off topic. <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Melissa Brown on had an article July 10 titled “Out-of-state students bring in more tuition money to fill state’s higher education funding void”. For 2013 fiscal year (ended Sept 2013) UA pulled in $514.4 M in tuition, awarded $127.4M in scholarship allowances, leaving their final UA tuition revenue balance at $386.9 M ($38.4 M increase over 2012 tuition revenue). Had a chart showing the growth from 2008, where net tuition revenue for UA was $193.5 M.</p>