Do students in female-dominated majors have trouble meeting guys?

I am a computer science major. I can say 95% of classes are guys. Therefore, during my 4 years in college, the number of girls I have met on campus is very minimum.
I wonder if girls in female-dominated majors such as nursing, education, and psychology also have the same issue as us, or if they don’t find it harder simply men are open to approach women.

Anyone if either gender has options to meet people outside their major if they put in the effort. Get a part time job, join a club, find a regular volunteer activity. Take elective classes in more gender balanced majors. Take phys ed courses in areas where men and women are likely to enjoy the sport. If you didn’t meet women in college, it is probably st least partly because you didn’t spend time in places where you’d get to know more women.

Our “female”-dominated major was housed in a building adjacent to the physics building. There were always guys “hanging around” the benches and tables in front of our department door. Lots of the women made friendships with the young men.

We also had to take a couple of physics courses and, these appeared to be the times, that the halls in front of our classes were lined with young men “waiting” for the next class to start.
We had no problems meeting the young men.

It’s not as if one is forbidden from interacting with people from other majors; and often it’s better to not have ALL of your classes, etc with your significant other. I go to a school that’s slowly becoming less male-dominated (the incoming class is 50/50 male/female, while my class is around 67/33). The guys that are interested and have the right attitude seem to have no trouble finding nice girls to hang out with.

You are hardly limited to meeting people in your major. Typically more than half of a student’s classes are taken outside of his/her major. Plus a student can get involved in a wide variety of activities on campus to meet other people, he/she can meet people in dorms etc.

Based on what I can see from my daughters and their friends, all of whom are in women dominated majors, no they don’t have any trouble meeting guys at all. They are both either at or recently graduated from universities where the women significantly outnumber the men overall which also does not seem to make a difference for them (although I suppose it almost has to for someone).

There are degrees and even schools that are dominated by women. Diplomas are not stamped with a caveat saying women graduates in education or nursing or…are forbidden from dating, marrying or having children. There are social, religious ad other groups on campus that would allow you to meet men. Additionally, more men are likely to major areas such as pe with direct impact on boys.

Women who appear approachable met men any and everywhere.

I married one of about 5 men in our cohort of our major (there were ~90 women, for comparison). My friends who are in longterm relationships from college met their partners primarily in EC activities, not class. My sister-in-law (married to my partner’s brother) was also in our cohort. She met her now-H in a theater group.

Yes. You are correct. It is much harder to meet someone of the opposite sex if they aren’t actually around. It works the same for girls as it does for guys.

(If you’re really smart you go study over at the library where nursing, education students hang out to increase your chances of meeting someone if you think that’s where the girls are…just like girls hung out at the student law library eons ago)

I wouldn’t say that members of the opposite sex aren’t “around” though. There are plenty “around” - one just has to do things other than attend class to meet them.

I would discourage anyone from dating anyone else at their place of employment.