<p>I have done little-no extracurriculars (though as a Junior I still have some time). I am part of the Computer Club where we are building the new school website, and that is it so far the only extracurricular activity I have done in three years in HS (pathetic, I know. But I tried to focus on academic progress). I have the US schools I am applying to, to 6 (I am also applying to McGill in Montreal, but they don't care for extracurriculars. I am also applying to two state schools who don't care either). Do these schools make a big deal of extracurriculars?</p>
<li>George Washington University</li>
<li>Tufts University</li>
4 New York University</li>
<p>yes, they do care.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses so far. I know they do “care,” but what I meant (or should have) asked was will this be make it or break it? I am thinking of doing something, does summer jobs count?</p>
<p>Re NYU, I am not completely sure if this is true or not, but I heard their admissions rate is deflated. 29% may sound selective, but not if they don’t take into account the 1200+ students who did not qualify for freshman admissions who get into the “Liberal Studies Program” (aka “The Way Colleges Keep Dead Departments Alive”) which is basically being admitted just you have a a core curriculum of a certain 10-11 classes while regular freshman can choose/experiment with classes they want.</p>