<p>Hi, I'm planning on transferring to MIT for fall 2013 entry and I was wondering how much weight admissions put on high school grades and AP scores. Because of family problems (parents breaking up and on the brink of financial collapse, almost lost our house) I was under a lot of stress my senior year. I got B's in AP Calc despite getting straight A's in math the previous three years. I took AB but self-studied BC and took the BC test, but I blanked on it and totally bombed it. I'm so humiliated by my scores that I'm afraid to share them. </p>
<p>Starting in late spring, I've been drilling myself with AB and BC material and doing work from MIT Open Courseware to improve, and I've made a lot of progress. I've found calc to be very fun, and perhaps even beautiful. If I do very well in calculus my first year in college, will my past blunders be overlooked because I have proven my capability? Or will my horrible AP score sink me?</p>