do u think i have a chance? (international student)

<p>GPA 3.33
SAT Score: 2160
reading : 690
math : 720</p>

<p>SAT 2 Chemistry : 670 (i know its not good, didn't prepare)</p>

<p>Currently Taking the IB
Chem, Bio, Geo</p>

Eng, Math, Chinese</p>

<p>4 Years Badminton Captain
4 Years wroth of awards for Badminton Achievement
1 gold badminton medal
Self Taught Guitar
Music Solo Vocal Performance
Senior Prefect (selection process through teacher voting)
Volunteer teaching children at school
Senior Choir
House Badminton Captain
House Chinese Chess Captain (house is kinda like the hogwarts thing)
Top 60 in U19 Badminton tournament <em>each school can only send 2 best players to participate, Total 150 participants</em></p>

<p>i do'nt feel very confident...
any suggestions?</p>

<p>The list of EC’s can be shortened greatly by grouping appropriately- badminton, chess and music, in line with many typical US student activities. Concentrate on your academics to show you can handle those IB courses with good grades. Hopefully your gpa reflects a slow start with improving grades as a junior. Remember to always study for future content tests (eg SAT IIs and your HS courses), that is expected. Apply and see what happens, but no guarantees.</p>

i plan on taking SAT 2 Math II
and a possible SAT retake.
other than that i will focus on my grades. t
thanks a bunch! :D</p>

<p>btw. what schools do you recommend for my current repertoire?</p>

<p>Look at schools that are easier to get into- ie schools where your stats place you closer to the top. You can find the 25th to 75th %iles for test scores and %iles for gpa’s in the US News and World Reports rankings publications as well as in school websites (sometimes hard to find there). For example, a Wisconsin HS student would look at other UW system schools. As an international student you probably should consider schools ranking lower in the US News… magazine than your top choices for safer, alternate choices. Or, you and your parents may decide if you don’t get into a school of a certain caliber you may as well stay in your country for your undergrad education. There are far too many choices for me to make specific suggestions. You need to consider the factors important to you. These may include reputation, academics, location, size, costs- so many factors.</p>

<p>International student here. Was accepted with 2200 SAT (1500 composite) and barely any EC’s. Transcript also wasn’t exactly stellar. I did well in SAT II though (770, 780, 800 for Bio, Chem, and Math II). But I think you should be fine. You don’t need to retake SAT I.</p>

<p>I’d say apply to a 1-2 schools of UW’s caliber (in your planned major, that is) and a few that’s better. UW was my safety but I didn’t get accepted anywhere else (waitlisted UMich and UVa but rejected). Unless you have a very good reason to go to the U.S., it’s not worth your money applying to the lesser universities (but UW is uniquely cheap as compared to other schools of its caliber).</p>

<p>^ what would such a good reason be, in your opinion?</p>

<p>for me it’s staying permanently in the U.S.</p>

<p>Remember cost/benefits. Not all American U’s are better than all U’s in other countries. Don’t spend more to get a lesser education. Also consider grad school in the US if your goal is to live here. Better to go to a better reputation local school in the eyes of grad departments than a no name US school if those are your options. Think about how a school fits you- academics, majors, and much more.</p>

<p>I totally agree with wis75. Don’t get overexited about getting into a US univ. Although uw-madison is a great great school, if you can get into an ivy league school in your country that might be be more benetifitial for you in terms of connections, cost, using/improving your mother lanuage.</p>