Do UC schools (UC Santa Cruz) care about freshman year grades?

I am an out of state student applying to UC santa cruz. my grades from freshman year are VERY poor- 69 in Earth science, 79 in global history, 71 in algebra 1, and I failed english 9, retaking it with a 96 the next year.
This is because i was absent for 5 months of my freshman year due to hospitalization for depression, but I obviously do not want to disclose that on my application as an explanation.
My gpa for years 10 and 11 is a 3.7, but my gpa overall is 3.0 or 85.625
I got a 1560 on the SAT.
How much consideration will UC Santa Cruz (my top choice school) put towards my freshman year? I am well within their range using their “UC GPA”, but will they consider the UC GPA or my overall GPA?
Any response appreciated.

UC schools do care about Freshman grades in that you need to pass all a-g courses with a C or higher for credit toward their minimum requirements. However, only 10-11th grades are used in their GPA calculation.

So if you got a D or F, Freshman year for a required a-g course, you will need to repeat the course such as the English Class or use grade Validation for a Math class or Foreign Language course. Grade validation states if you take a higher level Math class such as Geometry/Algebra 2 etc… with a passing grade, you will validate the D or F in the lower level Math course.

Here is the UC GPA calculator. As an OOS student, only AP/IB or DE courses count towards the 8 semester of extra honors point in the calculation. OOS Honors courses are not recognized.

Please post your UC GPA capped weighted (up to 8 semesters of honors points):