Do UCs look at unweighted GPA at all?

<p>My UC GPA is a 3.47 but my unweighted is a 3.00. :frowning:
Do UCs only consider the weighted UC GPA for admissions or do they use the unweighted GPA as well?</p>

<p>The top tier UCs look at all your GPAs but I am pretty sure the rest of them mainly look at your UC GPA. If you are borderline, they consider everything. Good luck!</p>

<p>Sent from my MB855 using CC</p>

<p>Berkeley and UCLA look at both weighted and unweighted. The rest of the UCs usually use UC GPA (capped at 8-semester honors/AP or 4.4/4.5). Although most UCs are switching to holistic review, so they may look at both.</p>