Do undergraduate CS rankings matter??

Do undergraduate CS rankings even matter? Should I choose a college based on fit or ranking if I know I’m gonna study CS.

Ranking matters at the extreme difference level, so you can focus much more on fit when it comes to smaller differences in rank I think. If it’s Stanford vs

It also depends on if you’re looking to go into the industry or research. In the latter, rank can matter a bit more, especially going to one of the big research schools in CS like MIT, CMU, etc.

For either, do make sure that they have good upper-level class offerings.

Other big things to consider that often aren’t considered in rankings are class sizes and the focus on the undergraduate teaching.

In industry in particular, what you learn and are able to do is much more important than ranking. Well known names will help in your first or second job, but that usually only applies to the big names nationally or regionally. After you have experience, employers will focus a lot more there. That said, undergraduate CS rank, class size, and teaching can certainly correlate to your CS ability. However, a highly motivated student can succeed at plenty of schools that wouldn’t be considered highly ranked.

Are there any specific schools in mind?

There are no commonly consulted CS rankings for undergraduate programs of which I’m aware. USNWR certainly does not offer them.

Short answer…No

I don’t think the rankings matter, per se, but the CS programs rigor, and how knowledgeable and well prepared students are will matter.

I would consider both fit and rigor. A more rigorous program that is also a good fit would be ideal.

Names get you interviews, skills get you jobs.

It matters if you want a high starting pay. However, in 10 years or 20 years, it is really going to depend on a lot of your skills.

After two to three years of work experience, where you went to school becomes irrelevant.