<p>I think I might want to apply for engineering at Yale but I dunno, I might want to do economics instead.
If I want to apply for engg do I have to apply directly to the school of engineering or do I apply to Yale College?</p>
<p>I think I might want to apply for engineering at Yale but I dunno, I might want to do economics instead.
If I want to apply for engg do I have to apply directly to the school of engineering or do I apply to Yale College?</p>
<p>yale doesn’t have a school of engineering, specifically… they have a department of engineering, but not a school</p>
<p>yale college is where you’ll be applying, and you’ll just notify your intended major on the supplement</p>
<p>Stating your intended major is completely optional as well. When I applied, I listed “Biology”. Upon matriculating, I listed “Chem Eng”. I graduated with “Econ”. </p>
<p>HAHA – gypsy student!</p>