Do you guys think I can get in to Texas A&M College Station?

I have a 1450 sat which I think is good, but my rank is really bad. I’m top 37%. I’m also an Eagle Scout and I have some other good ECs so do you think I can get in? I’m applying for political science.

And if not is there anything I can do to boost my chances over the summer?

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Can you? Sure

Will you? Unlikely.

An SAT doesn’t make up for grades/rank and 92% are in the top 25%.

But 8% aren’t - so perhaps you have a chance?

What can you do to boost? Little but you should have a job or volunteer - to keep busy.

And work on finding a list of target and safety schools - that’s a reach which is ok to have.

Good luck.

Which A&M?

(Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Prairie View, Southern, Texas various, West Texas)

If you’re talking about Texas A&M, AND you are a Texas resident, it depends on which one, but COllege Station is unlikely. However, there are other Texas colleges to which you are very likely to be accepted, and there may be a couple which may have automatic admission to students from the top 50% of their class if they have high enough SAT scores.

Texas A&M at College Station

With all respect to thers there’s only one that goes by the initials!!

Like Mines is Colorado …,

There is a Mines in South Dakota.

That’s my point. If you say Mines you mean Colorado.

Same with A&M and Texas.

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