Do you think I am screwed?

<p>I go to a Math & Science public boarding school that is one of the top 20 in the country. I never wanted to go but my parents made me apply and since then, I've just tried to tough it out. I'm terrible at math and science though, and I have no interest in either. The main reason I got in was because I apparently had an impressive resume and perfect scores on the reading and writing sections of the SAT when I was 15. </p>

<p>Anyway, before I came here, I made like all A's and 1 B. Now, I have like 2 As, a couple B's, and I've been having a lot of trouble with chemistry all year because the class is so tough that no matter how much time I put into studying, it's never enough and I'm failing the class. However, because the teacher knows that I try so hard, she will give me "bonus points" at the end of the year so I expect that I'll probably have a C if I'm lucky. Last time I checked, my GPA was like 4.69, which is pretty sucky compared to my classmates. A lot of them have like a 5.0 or 5.1 because they got to take AP classes at their old high schools whereas I never had that opportunity. </p>

<p>I volunteer a lot but because of the workload and because I'm not really a team player (I like to make art and write and shoot films in my free time), I don't have a lot of "extracurriculars" in terms of clubs and sports teams. </p>

<p>Do you think I am screwed? I am hoping to get a full ride to the University of South Carolina, where I want to study business.</p>

<p>You’re are perfectly fine. I had the same with problem. I’m not in any sports teams, and I’m in one club: FFA (Future Farmers of America) A GPA of 4.6 is really good. Many students want to be in your place. I think you have a chance getting into University of South Carolina (one of my favorite schools) I really don’t know why you are complaining, you seem SUPER smart and it looks like you’re going to go far.</p>