Do you think I could be considered?

<p>Hey, I am new to college confidential and am wondering if you guys think I have a shot at being admitted to Cornell. I don't have the most AP's and Honor's courses as most applications, but my SAT and life labor throughout high school might make up for it?
Anyways, here is what I am looking at:
730 Math
780 CR
710 Writing
Unweighted GPA: 3.5
Weighted: 3.9
I am currently taking 6 AP's as a senior in high school, I will explain a bit later why I am taking 6 this year.
AP Stat
AP Psych
Ap Econ
AP Bio
AP Calc AB
I am taking AP Lit online because I don't have room in my schedule for it during school.
Since Freshman year, I started an Invisible Children's club and raised over $5,000 USD for children in Uganda. I also have worked full time since freshman year, which is the reason for my lower GPA/no Honors courses. I also have done volunteer work for four years at Hospitals and Charity centers in Atlanta. Is it even worth me applying? Or should I just stay in state?</p>

<p>Definitely take a shot at it. Your stats are exactly in the range for Cornell and I’m sure they’ll take the GPA into consideration. Some high schools are harder than others. You live out of state, which is a good thing for college admissions. Can’t lose nothing for trying.</p>

<p>i agree it never hurts to apply - all they can do is quickly and unceremoniously reject applications like yours, and they do so every day. but depending on which state you’re in, i agree that you should focus more on in-state options.</p>