do you think I would be able to pass the CPA exam?

<p>I just dont want to major in accounting if I wont be able to pass the exam because I heard its very difficult?</p>

<p>I got a 32 on the ACT and I am going to Texas A&M which has an 83% pass rate</p>

<p>I know this sounds like a stupid question but I really want to know if you think I could pass if I studied a lot</p>

<p>also, can you keep taking it until you pass?</p>


<p>You may not major in accounting, but you have to take a lot of accounting clases anyway, to be able to take the exam.</p>

<p>Yes, you can take the exam unlimited amount of times, but there is a time limit.</p>

<p>Exam difficulty is overrated. Passed all 4 parts first go round. Be disciplined and make yourself study and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>ACT will not correlate with CPA success rate.</p>

<p>I’d also examine your attitude. You sound like you have just entered college or might not even be in yet, but your already telling yourself you shouldn’t major in something because of an exam you’ll take in 4 years? Perk up.</p>

<p>I’ve met some really dumb CPA’s, so if they can do it you can do it.</p>

<p>Agree with all the above, CPA exam difficulty is overrated.</p>

<p>actually you’d be surprised. i know a few ppl in the big 4 in big cities (chicago, ny) that had hard times passing the exam. i guess they’re stuck in the same position for a while…</p>

<p>Surprised about what? Big 4 doesn’t say much.</p>

<p>Big 4 =/= smart people. Believe me.</p>

<p>Dawgie–Have you passed the CPA exam? Just curious.</p>