Do your teachers let you use programs on your calculators on math tests?

<p>We get to use "scientific calculators" on tests. Scientific meaning we get a rad-sign button. Ooooooh....</p>

<p>Our calc teacher does, but he says it will be of no use to you. I like to check my work using a calculator but it's much better to build up strong computational skills.</p>

<p>My calc tests usually have a calculator section and a non-calculator section. But regardless of whether a calculator is allowed or not, we have to show our work (unless it's multiple choice), so there isn't much use for a calculator other than for doing arithmetic type things (like addition, squaring things, etc.) and checking answers. My teacher gave us one program to find the area underneath a curve, but other than that, I don't think we've ever discussed calculator programs in class.</p>