Does an ROTC scholarship combine with institutional aid?

So, I’ve posted on the finical aid section before. Basically, my parents aren’t willing to pay anything for college, they make a little less than 200k a year, and there will be four kids (including me) going to college at once.

So, I’ve been in contact with Princeton and Georgetown’s ROTC offices and they said when my name pops up on their list they will accept me for a scholarship, and the officers at both schools said they would pull some strings with admissions offices to enhance my chances of getting admitted into these universities. (My stats would’ve been competive enough for consideration even without ROTC).

So, assuming these scholarships will cover tutition, will I still get institutional aid from the school (we qualified for about $40,000). The aid plus the scholarship would make my attendance free (in return for military service)… But this doesn’t seem right. Can this happen?

(I understand I will probably have to set my sights lower as far as school goes, but I really want to do everything I can to go to these schools, regardless of what my parents will pay).

If the school stacks aid (rare-ish), then yes.

Where would one find that info on specific schools? I just googled “does Princeton stack aid” but I didn’t come up with much. @courtenyThurston


The award from Princeton would be need based. They determined you have need of $40k. Now, if you have some of that need met by the ROTC, your need from Princeton will go down. Will it be $ for $? Don’t know.

Call and ask them. The ROTC folks might know too since I’m sure many of their prior scholarship recipients also likely had some need. I’m sure they’ve seen your situation before.

I’ll give them a call tomorrow. But, another quick query. If receiving a scholarship such as ROTC, reduced the amount of aid you’d receive by that amount, would that not make getting a scholarship moot? (I’m not only in it for the money. I actually want to be in the army.)

Yes, it often doesn’t raise the total aid you receive and your OOP stays the same. Why apply for scholarships? The scholarship may be for more than the need aid, some schools allow you to keep some of the scholarship money (don’t reduce dollar for dollar), and some would prefer to earn the scholarship rather than accept need based grants (there might be honor in being named the ABC Scholarship Recipient).

Good luck.