<p>Does anyone on here think they actually got 100% on an ap exam? I was reading some posts about APUSH and read comments like, "Yea i knew every question except one of them." I was thinking to myself, "Is it really possible to know every multiple choice question on an exam?"</p>
<p>You would never know, since there’s always the possibility of getting the question wrong despite your absolute belief in your answer.</p>
<p>I’ve heard rumors of College Board sending mail informing you of a perfect score, but I’m 99% sure that that’s not true.</p>
<p>^ I’m 100% sure that’s not true ;]</p>
<p>Individual section scores are never released except to like break ties for Siemens AP awards or stuff like that.</p>
<p>definitely possible on Calc AB. I know someone who got perfect free response, so it’s definitely plausible that someone has gotten 100%.</p>
<p>Or Calc BC^ lol
Pretty much the same except BC>AB</p>
<p>I would agree that the calculus exams are probably the easiest to get 100% on, assuming you know the material well. A smart physics student could do well on those exams, but I think time constraints would reduce the likelihood of getting a perfect score. Someone who is fluent in one of the languages might be able to get a perfect score on a language exam.</p>
<p>i’m fluent in English… i’ll probably still study for english language :)</p>
<p>^lol obviously he meant foreign langs!
also, YanksDolphins, there isn’t really any time “constraints”. many students have like 30 mins extra because the time is so… long. you can probably check your answers 3x because time is called. It’s not like SAT; if u know the AP material, i think getting a 100% isn’t that hard.
Don’t get me wrong, lol, 100% is difficult, for everyone.</p>
<p>I think I got in the high 90s last year on AP Bio… but definitely not 100. I skipped 2 multiple choice…</p>