<p>Does applying to Duke ED affect financial aid in any way? Because its binding, my logic is that Duke knows you can't go anywhere else - so they really don't have to give much aid at all. I've also heard that Duke in general is pretty stingy about giving aid compared to other schools. If anyone could tell me to what extent this is true, that would be great. Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Now many people will say yes, that it does affect how much financial aid you will get. But truthfully and in my experience as an accepted student needing financial aid that applied ED it does not. They are need blind and applying early does not affect your financial aid. </p>
<p>Now, heres the catch though. If you get in, and you got a bad package, like you would have if you got in regular you are binded and you cannot compare packages. That is why many in need choose to wait to regular. </p>
<p>From my experience I really really wanted to go to duke even though i could not afford paying for it, so i just went with it. I got the same aid as several people I know that were regular and had similar economic backgrounds and my package really isn't that bad, I got more than I expected actually. </p>
<p>So, it just depends on how much you want to go to duke and how you play your cards, but NO, applying ED does not affect financial aid.</p>