Does Cal Poly consider last year's admission (acceptance) if reapplying this year again?

My son was admitted to CalPoly last year under Architecture and for a variety of reasons decided not to go. Instead he’s taking a much needed gap year and is currently reapplying. CalPoly doesn’t allow for deferrals so he has to reapply. Also, he’s had a change of heart and decided he’s no longer interested in pursuing architecture. So glad he came to this conclusion now versus being in school!

Does anyone know if CalPoly will look at his prior acceptance and if so would that be able to help him this year? He’s likely applying as SE which I know is very selective and hard to get in to. Thanks!

@Oak510 : He will be treated as a new applicant and will be reviewed based on the new application pool and new major.

Getting accepted last year is great but it does not guarantee an acceptance this year.


How he is applying for SE with architecture major requirements alone since he took gap year (assuming he didn’t take any new major realted required and desired courses during this time) ???

The student is applying as a Freshman with a new major after taking a Gap year and working.