<p>I am new to this message board and am confused about some of the shorthand members use. I've realized that EC is extracurricular, but what is LAC?</p>
<p>Is there a post on cc where all the acronyms, shorthand, and "lingo" is defined?</p>
<p>Thanks... The forum is a big help but occasionally I feel I'm in a foreign country with language barriers!</p>
<p>dd - dear daughter
ds - dear son
HYPS - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, sometimes other letters are added that refer to over ivies
Also most colleges get abreviated which I, for one, often cannot figure out which school they are referring to</p>
<p>EA- Early Action (Early nonbinding application deadline) [SCEA is an exclusive EA option; you can only apply EA to that institution only]
ED- Early Decision (Binding Early Application Deadline)
RD- Regular Decision (Regular Admission Deadline)</p>
<p>UW/W [in reference to grades or GPA usually]- Weighted or Unweighted</p>
<p>OP- Original Poster</p>
<p>WUSTL- Wash U st louis</p>
<p>UC= University California
UCB- Berkely
UCLA- Los Angelos
UCD- Davis
<p>CALTECH- California Institute of Technology</p>
<p>UM- University of Michigan</p>
<p>USF- University Southern Florida</p>
<p>USC- University Southern California</p>
<p>UVA- University of Virginia</p>
<p>Penn- University of Pennsylvania</p>
<p>Pitt- U of Pittsburg</p>
<p>W&M- William and Mary</p>
<p>W&L- Washington and Lee</p>
<p>PSU- Penn State University</p>
<p>oh and my favorite:</p>
<p>AMCWKOWH- Another Middle Class White Kid Obsessed With Harvard :P</p>